Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Filipino Politics

Several alections have passed that I remained a spectator . I just let other people decide for my country while I complain about their choices along the way. A few years ago, I decided to spare myself from the hustles of voting because I already lost faith on both the candidates and the electorates.I ended up lamenting why such unprincipled and unexperienced politicians were chosen to run the government for the next few years. Indeed, I have to live with the consequences of my actions and decisions.
The famous trial of former President Estrada gave me some insights into the limitations of human rationality, it's implications on the decisions we make and it's long-term effects. Why do we elect someone in the basis of personality alone? We go for self-styled messiahs denouncing corruption and promising economic sufficiency and political equality. Yes, they introduce a virtually strong and coherent political platform but the problem is HOW will they be able to fulfill those lofty promises? In the end, the power will still lie upon to the voters, because it is up to them to discern the soundness of the politician's platforms and their ability to accomplish.
The Philippines still has a long way to go. Let us hope that education can really rebuild our society. And to those who have or are currently receiving good education, let us take part in political exercises such as elections because only with accurate information, sound judgment and rational decisions can we practice principled politics and hope that these could lead to the advancement of our nation.


  1. there is no such thing as the right person for the Phil. government. it is their choice if they want to help Filipino people or help only their selves for fame and wealth improvements. and you're right, education is one of the answer to rebuild our society. this blog is a "two thumbs up."

  2. thanx le for posting ur comment.thanx also for encouraging me to post my blogs.God bless you n ur family.
